I’ve noticed, women I know are excited to experiment and explore with extrodianay tattoo art and are getting unbelieable tattoo designs and beautiful tattoos that can blow you away. AND in a minute I gonna share my big tattoo secret sure to make a gal rocket into tattoo bliss, with delight.
Women like pretty stuff, no surprise here. Tattooing is no exception.
Talk about provoking, mind-blowing and heart-stopping…Whoaaaa… dude!
My gal insists on having tattoos on her lower back, stomach, breasts and other under exposed body parts. (so so, -Nice, too)
Yeah, the world of female tattoos is just Amazing...
Get this...blues great Janis Joplin had a wristlet and a small heart on her left boob, by the amazing tattoo artist Lyle Tuttle...- sweeeet.
Let’s take a deeper plunge into the subject and find out when and how the art of tattooing became an invigorating part of a Gurl’s life.
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First Things First: OR The Skinny on how we got here...
Tracing the story between women and tattoos, you would find that a decade ago, women were afflicted with social stigma if they wore tattoos. Shame on you. - LOL
And following the disgrace, girls didn’t feel comfortable or confident wearing tattoos. In some groups, women were considered and looked upon as unrefined low-life. They were prejudiced in our culture, in the courts and in the businesses. (NOT now, right?)
An extreme case of disapproval of women with tattoos traces back to the mid 20’s in Boston. (PO Boston -1920 :( -Ya not gona believe this... from the court record..
Herein a woman was thrown out of the court despite her claim of rape. (That’s like getting raped twice). The reason THE COURT provided was, she had a butterfly tattoo on her body which was believed to invite sexual assault. (HA!) More THAN THAT she had unpurified her body by having a tattoo on her body, so any other physical act(s) committed by or on her had no significance. SO IT SEAMS Women who wore tattoos on their bodies were restricted to petty lifestyles like public spectacles and circus sideshows. OMG
Now days, Gurl Tats are The Bomb
Now, coming to 21st century of girl tattooing, women make up 65% of the total population having tattoos on their body. --Take that Boston.>>>>
Today, women look forward for large, beautiful and sometimes outrageous tattoos on their bodies. Some of the prominent types of Tattoos worn by females include stars, new school hearts, roses, tribal tattoos and get this Butterflies.
Butterflies Rock, My friend...
Women want these tattoos to be made on their lower back.
Yes, y e s …and YES!
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The ladies are becoming more demanding and more experimental in the sizes and shapes of the tattoos.
The ladies are more style conscious than the men when it comes to tattoos too.. They have enhanced their decision making in various aspects of tattooing which includes, what kind of a tattoo they want and where they want it on their body.
It is usually thought that da boyz choose a tattoo design and the location for tattoo within a few seconds. Sounds right, -Homer
On the other hand, women carefully decide the nature, style, design, size and placement of the tattoos and on and on and on and on. Guess that's why guys can’t get enough when it comes to the gurls, too.
Some tattoo artists believe that the chicks are better than the men in dealing with the pain of getting tattooed. That pretty smart to say that even if it’s not true. We know the truth, on my block, anyways...
Guys tend to develop a notion that they are strong and can endure the pain of tattooing, but some guys do pass-out when the needle hits his skin. On the other hand women tend to anticipate with the pain and display great tolerance, remember Joan-of-Arch? don’t think she had tattoos. (Manny at: “Pitbull Piercing and Tattoos” paid me to say that :)
A number of girls that want custom-made tattoos to be made are also growing. Get this, a many of girl hip-hop artists and musicians want their own unique. Best of all women still want sexy tattoos on their lower back, stomach, breasts and other under exposed body parts.
The reason for them being so sly about the tattoos is that they don’t want these tattoos to be seen by just anyone, that’s sweet. Thanks hun. On the other hand, my girl prefers a that very special tattoo close to her *MmmmHmmm* parts.
No matter what you want to say about girl tattooing, (and I say yes) you can say that the women rule the tattoo world, leaving the boys waaaay behind. Just you wait girls, just YOU wait.
The Kidd
Ink to paper is thoughtful
Ink to flesh, hard-core.
If Shakespeare were a tattooist
We'd appreciate body art more.
Carrie Latet
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Source : http://hubpages.com/hub/cute_tattoo_designs_for_women